Edisi Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017_ PUISI PUISI DIAH NATALIA (Mumbai, India)

Dari Redaksi:
Kirim Puisi, Esai, Cerpen, Cersing (Cerita Singkat) untuk kami Siarkan setiap hari ke e-email: majalahsimalaba@gmail.com beri subjek_LEMBAR KARYA HARIAN MAJALAH SIMALABA



Your beauty is beyond compare, there are no words to describe how I feel or how you make me feel. 
Sometimes I ask myself if this is all a dream and if it is I don't ever want to wake up, if it's real I don't ever want to sleep. 
You're all I want, you are everything I need. I can't promise that I can give you everything you want, but I can promise that I will always be here for you, right beside you, no matter what your going through. 
I'll be your strength when you can't stand, I'll be the one to dry your tears, I'll be the light in your darkest hour and I'll be your breath when you can't breathe. 
I need you to know; you are my happiness, my life, my world, my future. 
I need you to know that I've never been more honest then I'm being right now. I've completly lost myself in you. 

Sleeperclass, Surat-Jaipur, India 2017


Have you ever loved someone so much that you miss not their eyes or their kiss?! 
You miss being with them all the time, every day and night. 
Thinking of your one wish to be with them forever, never having to leave their side. 
Does it keep you up at night, knowing how they are not by your side ?
Thinking of all the times sat outside, just the two of you alone with no one there to. 
Bother the two hearts remembering the day, you loved this person seeing the instant. 

You first wanted her to be yours, remembering staying up just to pray in the rain. 
That you are not insane for how you feel, “she will be yours forever”.
More sitting at her house, resting on her couch, looking at the ceiling, wondering about the feeling you have for this person that you hold so dearly to your heart. 
Never wanting to be torn apart from her, wanting her to be yours till the end of time. 

Have you ever loved like this! ♥ 

Mumbai-India, 2017


I wish so much that I could hold you 
A simple desire, yet so hard to do 
This is a love so hopeless, but yet 
As hard as I try, I can not forget 

I want to move on, I try everyday 
To get a trip on these feelings and throw them away 
But everyday I pathetically remain 
Adoring you amazingly with nothing to gain 

I have become dependent on these feelings, that I feel everyday 
Without them I'm lost and my hopes are astray 
So now I don't know how to live on my own 
Without thoughts of you I will be so alone 

Sleeperclass, Jaipur-Agra, 2017

TO: HER! ♡ 

I just can’t find the way, To express my love for you. 
You are just amazing, In everything you do. 
The time I spend with you, Is the best I've ever had And you always know how to help me, when it’s me who's feeling sad. 
You make me feel so special. You make me feel so right And if I had it my way, I would always hold you tight. 
I hope that I dont lose you. I pray to God each day Because as long as you are here I can push my pain away. 
I love you oh so much And that I know is true. Because no matter what I do I can’t keep my eyes off you. 
I hope we'll be together. For time and time to come Cause I need you in my life to spend the rest of my life!

Surat-Gujarat, India, 2017 


The day is beginning as we nestle 
the warm scent floating above us. 
Your movements awaken my passion 
as our hands, fingers intertwined. 
Tracing paths, sounds of the morning 
only echoing our pleasures of the night. 
A breeze gives waver to a few strands 
of my hair against your skin. 
It is the softness of your breath 
as we smile into the day. 
New beginnings, new charms, newness 
as our love enfolds the two of us as one. 

Surat-Gujarat, India, 2017 

Tentang Penulis:
Diah Natalia., S.Si., Apt lahir di Jakarta, Ia apoteker yang masih berjuang meraih gelar master demi kehidupan yang lebih layak, gemar menulis menjadi pelampiasan segala suasana hatinya

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